Basic metrics of effective work of the HR department. Part 3

The HR manager is an important link in the life of the company. Its tasks include searching for candidates, improving the skills of personnel, and minimizing reputational risks while reducing staff. All actions of the HR manager have a direct impact on the level of efficiency of the company. If you let things take their course, and do not evaluate the effectiveness of the activities carried out, the company will stagnate, increase costs and reduce revenue.

In the first article of the cycle devoted to the use of analytics in the work of the HR department, we talked about the basic KPIs that allow evaluating the actions of the HR manager. In the second-about the parameters that need to be controlled by HR, and in the final material, we will continue this topic.

Average performance rating

Average performance rating – a system for evaluating work in percentages or points. It is important for the HR manager not only to implement this practice in the organization but also to regularly conduct cross-sections. Beginners should be evaluated at intervals of 3 months, “old — timers” – at intervals of six months. Do not forget to compare the dynamics of the work of the departments as a whole – these data can become a marker of changes in the atmosphere of the team.

The increase in the average value for individual employees indicates a qualitative improvement in training.

It is important not just to calculate the rating, but also to correlate it with profit. After all, firstly, the increasing contribution of employees should have a positive impact on financial flows. And, secondly, the increase in labor efficiency should always be higher than the increase in the percentage of salary expenses for the year. Simply put, while maintaining the cost fund at the same level, the profit from the activities of the staff, in a normal situation, increases.

“On paper” everything seems simple and obvious. But in life, unfortunately, it happens a little differently, and the average performance rating, with enviable persistence, does not move from the dead point. The HR manager begins to frantically search for the problem, inviting all sorts of business coaches, implementing “best practices” from the Internet and making a thousand and one more chaotic body movements that do not bring the desired effect. All this happens against the background of irrevocably passing time.

The software package Mirobase will help to cope with the task of HR. Instead of implementing incomprehensible tips that are based on someone else’s experience and completely different realities, it is easier to find working effective models in your own, native, company. To do this, it is enough to identify the “leaders “and analyze how their actions differ from the behavior of the “laggards”. The “Categories/Deviations” report can solve the problem. Differences in the performance of the same tasks are often the “success factor”. Companies using Mirobase conducted analytics and found that a productive manager responds to requests faster, sends out more correspondence, and has a wider circle of contacts than his colleagues. The indicators that distinguish a “leader” from an “outsider” vary from business to business. But the principle is always the same. As the famous English expression says – “the devil is in the details”. Only by detecting the little things that directly affect productivity, which are specific to a particular type of business in the current environment, we can achieve an increase in financial performance. The implementation of other people’s practices, in 9 cases out of 10, leads to a deterioration of the situation. It is impossible to find the notorious “small differences” by eye, without the use of digital systems.
Another key point for HR, which Mirobase will help to understand: the analysis of the performance rating of departments. There are often situations when, against the general background of growth, a division is not only showing dynamics, but also sharply losing ground. And this is despite the fact that the company has found and implemented effective work models.
The reason for this phenomenon is often a hidden conflict that has gone beyond the “one-on-one” confrontation. This can be a mass bullying of the “white crow”, during which Brothers in trade begin to think not about work, but about how to annoy a neighbor. Or the confrontation of groups in the team, differently assessing the current processes in the company. In the end, a change of head, and the non-recognition of the new leader as part of the subordinates – is a great reason for confrontation.

By monitoring communication in messengers, correspondence and the circle of contacts, the manager, and with him HR, will promptly detect such a situation, understand the root causes and stop the development of a conflict that negatively affects work processes.

The HR manager’s job consists of 90% analytics, and only 10% of the time is spent searching for new employees. The success of all 100% of the tasks depends on the availability of operational information based on facts, not assumptions. In order for newcomers to quickly feel like they belong in the team, labor productivity has reached the desired level, and KPI has worked, it is necessary to evaluate a number of key indicators on a daily basis. And this is not possible without analytics systems that aggregate data. Mirobase will help to collect the necessary information, conduct research activities, evaluate the implemented changes and will constantly have a keen sense of the pulse of the company’s life.

Thanks to the monitoring of personnel actions and a variety of reports, HR will finally be able to perform all the duties assigned to it and will no longer be a regular recruiter.

Basic metrics of effective work of the HR department. Part 2

The HR manager’s work is closely linked to all aspects of the company’s life. His direct responsibilities include the adaptation of newcomers, supervision of employees and departments, participation in the formation of key performance indicators, and analysis of the company’s performance based on the profit received.

By leveling the role of HR, the head significantly complicates his life: expenses remain at the same level, but some of the work is not performed by anyone, and important nuances of the activity are out of control.

In the previous article, we discussed the basic metrics that should be tracked by the HR manager, as well as the KPIs that characterize the productivity of the HR department itself. Today we will talk about no less important parameters of HR’s work.

Time of achieving performance

The time to achieve productivity is the point when a new employee begins to demonstrate the minimum required level of labor efficiency.

By determining the average number of days it takes to reach this target, the head will be able to assess the quality of the adaptation program, as well as the work done by the HR manager.
If newcomers do not reach the specified KPIs in isolated cases, it is obvious that a mistake was made in the hiring process. However, if the problem has become widespread, it is necessary to pay close attention to the work of the personnel officer.

To find out whether HR works for the benefit of the company or prefers to deal with personal matters, the report “Activity feed”, provided in the Mirobase software, will help. If the HR manager turned out to be a workaholic, it will be necessary to dig much deeper.

First, you should find employees who have successfully reached the specified labor standards and analyze their behavior patterns. And then compare the algorithms of the “leaders” with the “laggards”. For this purpose, the report “Categories/Deviations” is suitable.

Differences in actions and approaches to tasks are the key to success, which allows achieving the desired KPIs. By identifying the deviations inherent in “leaders”, studying successful practices and, implementing them in the adaptation and training program, the manager will increase the percentage of employees who quickly reach the minimum productivity threshold.

Increase of employee efficiency

The assessment of changes in the effectiveness of each employee in particular and of the departments as a whole is a marker of the quality of recruitment and adaptation of personnel in the team.
If each new employee performs better than his predecessor, and the “old-timers” do not sit still, preferring to constantly develop, labor productivity will steadily increase, affecting the overall efficiency of the company.

Even though the importance of these indicators is not in doubt, because of the pitfalls, their assessment with enviable regularity is wrong.
How to track the productivity of each employee? The “correct” template solution is to force the staff to write reports, having previously stipulated the KPI. But will such pieces of paper reflect reality?

Firstly, a small change in the numbers in the documentation in a second turns the idler into a heroic worker. And, secondly, most of these reports are not based on objective figures of the labor day picture.

These problems are easily solved by Mirobase. The complex registers all the actions of the staff at the computer during working hours, and synchronization with the ACS complements the picture, recording movements around the office. Data collection does not affect the performance of computers, and the creation of reports takes a few minutes.

Creating personal reports is an excellent practice, which should not be abandoned, provided that it is supplemented with statistics of the electronic system, and there is no deception – distorting key performance indicators to please yourself. This can also be controlled by Mirobase, which has the tool “Verification of falsifications” in its database. Any “manual” intervention in the flow of numbers leaves an indelible mark, which immediately fixes the complex.

The HR manager is an important link in the life of the company. Its tasks include searching for candidates, improving the skills of personnel, minimizing reputational risks while reducing staff. All actions of the HR manager have a direct impact on the level of efficiency of the company. If you let things take their course, and do not evaluate the effectiveness of the activities carried out, the company will stagnate, increase costs and reduce revenue.

In the first article of the cycle devoted to the use of analytics in the work of the HR department, we talked about the basic KPIs that allow to evaluate the actions of the HR manager. In the second-about the parameters that need to be controlled by HR, and in the final material we will continue this topic.

Average performance rating

Average performance rating – a system for evaluating work in percentages or points. It is important for the HR manager not only to implement this practice in the organization, but also to regularly conduct cross-sections. Beginners should be evaluated at intervals of 3 months, “old — timers” – at intervals of six months. Do not forget to compare the dynamics of the work of the departments as a whole – these data can become a marker of changes in the atmosphere in the team.

The increase in the average value for individual employees indicates a qualitative improvement in training.

It is important not just to calculate the rating, but also to correlate it with profit. After all, firstly, the increasing contribution of employees should have a positive impact on financial flows. And, secondly, the increase in labor efficiency should always be higher than the increase in the percentage of salary expenses for the year. Simply put, while maintaining the cost fund at the same level, the profit from the activities of the staff, in a normal situation, increases.

“On paper” everything seems simple and obvious. But in life, unfortunately, it happens a little differently, and the average performance rating, with enviable persistence, does not move from the dead point. The HR manager begins to frantically search for the problem, inviting all sorts of business coaches, implementing “best practices” from the Internet and making a thousand and one more chaotic body movements that do not bring the desired effect. All this happens against the background of irrevocably passing time.

The software package Mirobase will help to cope with the task of HR. Instead of implementing incomprehensible tips that are based on someone else’s experience and completely different realities, it is easier to find working effective models in your own, native, company. To do this, it is enough to identify the “leaders” and analyze how their actions differ from the behavior of the “laggards”. The “Categories/Deviations” report can solve the problem. Differences in the performance of the same tasks are often the “success factor”. Companies using Mirobase conducted analytics and found that a productive manager responds to requests faster, sends out more correspondence, and has a wider circle of contacts than his colleagues. The indicators that distinguish a “leader” from an “outsider” vary from business to business. But the principle is always the same. As the famous English expression says – “the devil is in the details”. Only by detecting the little things that directly affect productivity, which are specific to a particular type of business in the current environment, we can achieve an increase in financial performance. The implementation of other people’s practices, in 9 cases out of 10, leads to a deterioration of the situation. It is impossible to find the notorious “small differences” by eye, without the use of digital systems.

Another key point for HR, which Mirobase will help to understand: the analysis of the performance rating of departments. There are often situations when, against the general background of growth, a division is not only showing dynamics, but also sharply losing ground. And this is despite the fact that the company has found and implemented effective work models.

The reason for this phenomenon is often a hidden conflict that has gone beyond the “one-on-one” confrontation. This can be a mass bullying of the “white crow”, during which brothers in trade begin to think not about work, but about how to annoy a neighbor. Or the confrontation of groups in the team, differently assessing the current processes in the company. In the end, a change of head, and the non-recognition of the new leader as part of the subordinates – is a great reason for confrontation.

By monitoring communication in messengers, correspondence and the circle of contacts, the manager, and with him HR, will promptly detect such a situation, understand the root causes and stop the development of a conflict that negatively affects work processes.

The HR manager’s job consists of 90% analytics, and only 10% of the time is spent searching for new employees. The success of all 100% of the tasks depends on the availability of operational information based on facts, not assumptions. In order for newcomers to quickly feel like they belong in the team, labor productivity has reached the desired level, and KPI has worked, it is necessary to evaluate a number of key indicators on a daily basis. And this is not possible without analytics systems that aggregate data. Mirobase will help to collect the necessary information, conduct research activities, evaluate the implemented changes and will constantly have a keen sense of the pulse of the company’s life.

Thanks to the monitoring of personnel actions and a variety of reports, HR will finally be able to perform all the duties assigned to it and will no longer be a regular recruiter.

Basic metrics of effective work of the HR department. Part 1

In the mass consciousness, the phrase “HR manager” has long been synonymous with the definition of “recruiter”. The negative consequences of the substitution of concepts are obvious-professional degradation. From some average HR Julia is no longer required to conduct complex analytics and has a keen sense of the pulse of the company’s life. The main thing is to close the vacancies.

However, ” HR ” is not a recruiter, his duties include supervising each employee from the first interview and enrollment to dismissal. And the most serious layer of work falls precisely on the period of time that an employee spends in the organization as a unit of the team. The HR manager should participate in the formation of the KPI of employees and departments, monitor the efficiency of work, initiate professional development and in every possible way maintain a healthy atmosphere in the team.

Each of these points implies the presence of serious analytics for the entire state as a whole, and for individual employees in particular. And the data should be objective, not made up on the basis of personal feelings. Unfortunately, not all companies can boast of having tools that allow to collect detailed statistics. For businesses, the lack of basic knowledge always leads to an increase in employee turnover, a decrease in labor efficiency and, as a result, a drop in sales.

It is possible to avoid stagnation if you timely review the approach to personnel management and give HR the necessary tool-analytics. The Mirobase software package allows to collect all the data necessary for the productive work of the HR department and helps to solve the key tasks of the company’s development and employee adaptation.

Search Speed

Search speed is one of the main metrics that characterize the efficiency of the human resources department itself. At first glance, everything is quite simple: the more time it takes to fill a vacant position, the higher the company’s loss. After all, during this time, HR will receive a salary, and the tasks that require a new employee will not be completed.

When it comes to this indicator, almost all publications and business gurus speak in streamlined phrases that boil down to the thesis: “if you can’t find a new employee, there are problems in the company.” Which may be related to: incompetence of the HR manager, excessive requirements for the candidate, uncompetitive salary, too long resume processing process, and so on. The fact is that if you do not determine exactly at what stage the failure occurs, you will not be able to cut this Gordian knot.

With the help of Mirobase you can fix the situation in just a week. The analysis of work activity will allow to find out whether HR spends time on fulfilling job responsibilities or prefers to devote the working day to more “interesting activities”, such as coffee or social networks.

The study of correspondence in mail and messengers will give answers to questions: how quickly resumes are processed; how well HR reasonably and competently communicates with candidates; what difficulties exist with the current open vacancies and whether they meet the requirements of the labor market.

Having detected a “malfunction”, the manager will be able to reduce the time of filling an open position.

Losses from the quit of key personnel

The dismissal of an employee is a blow to the company, which leads to significant losses. And the higher the position, or the level of training of the outgoing, the more tangible the consequences.
HR should measure the percentage of voluntary layoffs relative to the total number of employees in a given position. But his duties do not end there. Ideally, the departure of a key employee should not come as a surprise to the company.

Finding dissatisfied people is not too difficult. Frequent visits to sites with work – the main indicator of the growth of dissatisfaction. Which can also be expressed in correspondence with colleagues. Well, sending emails with resume attachments is a direct alarm signal.

Fortunately, Mirobase allows to detect negative trends in a timely manner. And the HR manager will only have to hold a conversation and retain a talented employee or start looking for a replacement in advance.

The HR manager’s work is closely linked to all aspects of the company’s life. His direct responsibilities include the adaptation of newcomers, supervision of employees and departments, participation in the formation of key performance indicators, and analysis of the company’s performance based on the profit received.

By leveling the role of HR, the manager significantly complicates his life: expenses remain at the same level, but some of the work is not performed by anyone, and important nuances of the activity are out of control.

In the previous article, we discussed the basic metrics that should be monitored by the HR manager, as well as the KPI that characterize the productivity of the HR department itself. Today we will talk about not less important parameters of HR’s work.

Time of achieving performance

The time to achieve productivity is the point when a new employee begins to demonstrate the minimum required level of labor efficiency.

By determining the average number of days it takes to reach this target, the manager will be able to assess the quality of the adaptation program, as well as the work done by the HR manager.
If newcomers do not reach the specified KPIs in isolated cases, it is obvious that a mistake was made in the hiring process. However, if the problem has become widespread, you should pay close attention to the work of the personnel officer.

To find out whether HR works for the benefit of the company, or prefers to deal with personal matters, the report “Activity feed”, provided in the complex Mirobase, will help. If the HR manager turned out to be a workaholic, you will have to dig much deeper.

First, you should find employees who have successfully reached the specified labor standards and analyze their behavior patterns. And then compare the algorithms of the “leaders” with the “laggards”. For this purpose, the report “Categories/Deviations” is suitable.

Differences in actions and approach to completing tasks are the key to success, which allows you to achieve the desired KPIs. By identifying the deviations inherent in “leaders”, studying successful practices and implementing them in the adaptation and training program, the head will increase the percentage of employees who quickly reach the minimum productivity threshold.

Increase of employee efficiency

The assessment of changes in the effectiveness of each employee in particular and of the departments as a whole is a marker of the quality of recruitment and adaptation of personnel in the team.
If each new employee performs better than his predecessor, and the “old-timers” do not sit still, preferring to constantly develop, labor productivity will steadily increase, affecting the overall efficiency of the company.

Despite the fact that the importance of these indicators is not in doubt, because of the pitfalls, their assessment with enviable regularity is wrong.

How to track the productivity of each employee? The “correct” template solution is to force the staff to write reports, having previously stipulated the KPI. But will such pieces of paper reflect reality?

Firstly, a small change in the numbers in the documentation in a second turns the idler into a heroic worker. And, secondly, most of these reports are not based on objective figures of the working day picture.

These problems are easily solved by Mirobase. The complex registers all the actions of the staff at the computer during working hours, and synchronization with the ACS complements the picture, recording movements around the office. Data collection does not affect the performance of computers, and the creation of reports takes a few minutes.

Creating personal reports is an excellent practice, which should not be abandoned, provided that it is supplemented with statistics of the electronic system, and there is no deception – distorting key performance indicators to please yourself. This can also be controlled by “Mirobase, which has the tool “Verification of falsifications” in its database. Any “manual” intervention in the flow of numbers leaves an indelible mark, which immediately fixes the complex.

The HR manager is an important link in the life of the company. Its tasks include searching for candidates, improving the skills of personnel, minimizing reputational risks while reducing staff. All actions of the HR manager have a direct impact on the level of efficiency of the company. If you let things take their course, and do not evaluate the effectiveness of the activities carried out, the company will stagnate, increase costs and reduce revenue.

In the first article of the series devoted to the use of analytics in the work of the HR department, we talked about the basic KPIs that allow us to evaluate the actions of the HR manager. In the second-about the parameters that need to be controlled by HR, and in the final material we will continue this topic.

Average performance rating

Average performance rating – a system for evaluating work in percentages or points. It is important for the HR manager not only to implement this practice in the organization, but also to conduct regularly cross-sections. Beginners should be evaluated at intervals of 3 months, “old — timers” – at intervals of six months. Do not forget to compare the dynamics of the work of the departments as a whole – this data can become a marker of changes in the atmosphere in the team.

The increase in the average value for individual employees indicates a qualitative improvement in training.

It is important not just to calculate the rating, but also to correlate it with profit. After all, first, the increasing contribution of employees should have a positive impact on financial flows. And, secondly, the increase in labor efficiency should always be higher than the increase in the percentage of salary expenses for the year. Simply put, while maintaining the cost fund at the same level, the profit from the activities of the staff, in a normal situation, increases.

“On paper” everything seems simple and obvious. But in life, unfortunately, it happens a little differently, and the average performance rating, with enviable persistence, does not move from the dead point. The HR manager begins to frantically search for the problem, inviting all sorts of business coaches, implementing “best practices” from the Internet and making a thousand and one more chaotic body movements that do not bring the desired effect. All this happens against the background of irrevocably passing time.

The Mirobase software package will help to cope with the task of HR. Instead of implementing incomprehensible tips that are based on someone else’s experience and completely different realities, it is easier to find working effective models in your own, native, company. To do this, it is enough to identify the “leaders” and analyze how their actions differ from the behavior of the “laggards”. The “Categories/Deviations” report can solve the problem. Differences in the performance of the same tasks are often the “success factor”. Companies using “Mirobase software conducted analytics and found that a productive manager responds to requests faster, sends out more correspondence, and has a wider range of contacts than his colleagues. The indicators that distinguish a “leader” from an “outsider” vary from business to business. But the principle is always the same. As the famous English expression says – “the devil is in the details”. Only by detecting the little things that directly affect productivity, which are specific to a particular type of business in the current environment, can we achieve an increase in financial performance. The implementation of other people’s practices, in 9 cases out of 10, leads to a deterioration of the situation. It is impossible to find the notorious “small differences” by eye, without the use of digital systems.

Another key point for HR, which Mirobase will help to understand: the analysis of the performance rating of departments. There are often situations when, against the general background of growth, a division is not only showing dynamics, but also sharply losing ground. And this is despite the fact that the company has found and implemented effective work models.
The reason for this phenomenon is often a hidden conflict that has gone beyond the “one-on-one” confrontation. This can be a mass bullying of the “white raven”, during which brothers in trade begin to think not about work, but about how to annoy a neighbor. Or the confrontation of groups in the team, differently assessing the current processes in the company. In the end, a change of head, and the non-recognition of the new head as part of the subordinates – is a great reason for confrontation.

By monitoring communication in messengers, correspondence and the circle of contacts, the head, and with him HR, will promptly detect such a situation, understand the root causes and stop the development of a conflict that negatively affects work processes.

The HR manager’s job consists of 90% analytics, and only 10% of the time is spent searching for new employees. The success of all 100% of the tasks depends on the availability of operational information based on facts, not assumptions. In order for newcomers to quickly feel like they belong in the team, labor productivity has reached the desired level, and KPI has worked, it is necessary to evaluate a number of key indicators on a daily basis. And this is not possible without analytics systems that aggregate data. Mirobase will help to collect the necessary information, conduct research activities, evaluate the implemented changes and will constantly have a keen sense of the pulse of the company’s life.

Thanks to the monitoring of personnel actions and a variety of reports, HR will finally be able to perform all the duties assigned to it and will no longer be a regular recruiter.

Effective self-isolation: remote work strategy

Many employees dream of working from home. Statistics published in foreign editions, as well as the latest research conducted by the Mirobase company, show that about 70% of the staff prefers remote work.

However, the personal choice of the format of work and the method of work imposed from the outside are not the same thing. Self-isolation as a result of mass quarantine was a psychological blow for many employees who are not used to or have not tried to work from home before. In addition, even under normal conditions, about 30% of the staff is not ready for the “home office” mode.
Psychologists around the world regularly post video blogs and publish guide articles with useful tips. We decided to combine valuable recommendations and supplement them with our experience: after all, in our company, a significant number of employees have been working remotely for many years.

Tip 1: Organize your Workspace

One of the priority factors that reduce the efficiency of homework is the lack of a “work zone”. Any space is always strongly connected with certain associations. For example, by opening the office door and performing a sequence of “morning rituals”, a person switches from the “rest” mode to the “work” mode.

In a home atmosphere, everything is the opposite: it is very difficult to focus on important tasks while sitting in your favorite chair, which is associated with watching football. The situation can be aggravated by relatives who are forced to stay in the same territory with a “home worker” and turn into a distraction.

The solution that will allow not only to solve labor problems effectively but also to avoid scandals – is the division of space.

For example, you can allocate a room or a place to work. That’s all, now from 9 to 18 it is a working area, within which only business issues are resolved. Lunch, watching movies, or other activities that are not related to the performance of official duties must be taken out of the designated perimeter.

As soon as the working day is over-everything that reminds you of work should be removed away, and switch to the “rest” mode.

The devil is in the details, and personal effectiveness is in the details. It’s hard to focus on multi-million dollar deals or an important project while sitting in a bathrobe and slippers with a plate of noodles in front of the monitor. Separating personal space from the work, removing all the distractions out of sight, bringing appearance in order and setting up a “battle rhythm” can solve most problems with concentration.

Tip 2. Time planning

Not only the place is important, but also the time: most difficulties arise when external factors begin to creep into the usual rhythm of work. On the Internet, someone is always wrong, Malakhov can start broadcasting on one of the channels, and the neighbors have an extraordinary exciting scandal.

Elements of distraction in a second unsettle the performance of routine tasks. All the plans fall into the mixer, turning into a mess of chaotic actions. As a result, the tasks are not done, and the employee is tired and psychologically exhausted. After all, instead of a full rest, there were incomprehensible throwing from side to side.

Working remotely, it is important to clearly build your schedule and follow it as accurately as possible. Get up at the same time, exercise, have breakfast, read the news, plan tasks, and start the work day with your brain already turned on and full awareness and understanding of what to-do list you have to complete.

Tip 3. Goals and enjoyment

All routine tasks can easily be divided into two conditional categories: achieving a goal and getting pleasure.

Everything that brings enjoyment and helps to relax, most often, does not bring tangible benefits. But it helps to distract and relieve stress.

At the same time, achieving both financial and personal goals can be associated with painstaking hard work and rarely brings pleasure.

The paradox is that both types of activities cannot exist without each other. Working in non-stop mode leads to nervous exhaustion and burnout. And the endless exploitation of the joys of home life is a path to dismissal and bankruptcy. In order not to get lost in the wilds of home self-organization, it is necessary to take into account all the activities and include them in the plan of daily tasks.

Let’s be honest: no one works in the office continuously from 9 to 18. Any employee is regularly distracted by communication with colleagues, coffee breaks, trips to the smoking room, entertainment sites and forums. At the best, 80% of the day is left to complete tasks. And this is an excellent indicator. Most often, office workers devote 50-60% of their time to fulfilling their official duties.

If the process cannot be stopped, it must be led.

Determine which activities help to relieve stress quickly, and plan them. To stay within 80% of the time of business activity, you can use time-tracking programs. They will help you find factors that distract you from your work and reduce your personal effectiveness.

The main thing – do not try to play “multitasking”. Julius Caesar is not the rule, but the exception. Usually, an attempt to do two things at the same time ends with the fact that one is done poorly, the second – even worse. Focus on something: either work hard, or take a break and relax without being distracted by incoming messages.

Tip 4. Social cooperation

Man is a social animal. When working remotely or in the case of self-isolation in quarantine, it is the lack of communication that negatively affects the psyche.

If you live alone, make it a rule to include communication with colleagues or friends in Skype in your daily plan. Any brainstorm or meeting can be an outlet in the face of a lack of communication.
For those who share a living space with their family, there is a great life hack: spend your lunch break together, discussing the latest news or a previously viewed movie. Communication will help you switch and remove the accumulated psychological burden.

Tip 5. Take the time to be creative

The worst thing about isolation is self-exploration. Constant attempts to analyze the situation, concentration on personal problems and failures, obsession with negativity – a direct path to prolonged depression. And, as a consequence, the low efficiency of labor. You can break out of the vicious circle by switching to creativity.

Write songs and stories, draw pictures, and play musical instruments. It doesn’t matter how well or poorly you do it. The main thing is to get maximum pleasure from the process itself. This approach can be combined with additional social activity, organizing competitions with friends or spending evenings reading stories or singing songs together.

Don’t think of creativity as wasted time. This is an opportunity to have fun, and it doesn’t matter what happens as a result. The process itself is important.

Tip 6. Learn a new skill

Quarantine is a great reason to learn how to do something new. Firstly, any skill, you will be able to “monetize” in the future. Secondly, you will spend your time usefully. And, thirdly – you will practice in setting and achieving the goal.

Gaining new knowledge broadens your horizons and, in the future, helps in personal and professional growth. Fortunately, on the Internet you can find manuals, training videos, paid and free courses for every taste. The main thing is the desire to learn.

But even here you can not do without planning and clear time management. Any educational process is based on regularity. You can only achieve success by training new skills every day. And to do this, you need to select a “gap” in the plan.

A well-organized organization of “labor” and “entertainment” activities will help you not lose your current “work efficiency”, reach new professional heights, and minimize stress from unusual working conditions.

If self-organization is not your strong suit, you can always use an electronic assistant that will assess the current situation with time management, identify “bottlenecks” and tell you how to properly reorganize the working day, combining maximum efficiency with a minimum level of stress.

Bullying is a threat to business. Part 2

Bullying – organized harassment of one or more employees, a distinctive feature of which is the presence of a pronounced leader. According to the latest research, there are no companies left in the modern world that are completely free from various forms of pressure.

In the previous article, we talked about the general statistics of “victims” of violence in the office. Today we will talk about the numbers: how much does bullying “cost” for the average organization?

Axiom: any harassment means a drop in productivity. For example, a victim who fights off attacks from colleagues spends at least 7 hours a week in vain. And this is without taking into account the general decrease in work efficiency, which leads to a constant stay in a stressful situation. Over the course of a year, including sick days (the frequency of which is inevitably increasing), and going on vacation, without which an exhausted employee simply can not do, the number of “underworked” hours can accumulate from 200 to 400.
It is extremely difficult to estimate how much time the “beaters” spend on merciless harassment, but it is obvious that part of the day paid for by the employer is also spent on such “entertainment”.

The damage in money amounts to about $ 8,800, per victim per year. This is the amount that the company simply spent on an employee who is unable to perform their duties due to bullying. Business owners should not forget about the collateral damage, such as: failed transactions, broken deadlines, and endless reworking of the same tasks. Such problems can at one time lead to losses of tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Another problem is employee turnover. The victim, sooner or later, resiresignsm the company. And the memories of the employer will not be the rosiest. For the business owner, this will result in two difficulties. Firstly, we will have to urgently plug the holes, and search for and train a candidate for the vacant position. And, secondly, to correct the image in the information field. After all, the anger and resentment experienced during the period of humiliation will definitely spill out on the forums and in all sorts of “black lists”.

You can avoid losing valuable financial and human resources and avoid a number of problems by identifying “non-statutory” working relationships in a timely manner. Do not expect the employee to come and tell you everything. Walking around the office, confidentially looking into the eyes of the staff in the hope of hearing the truth about the team, is also not the best solution.
It is much more effective to use modern personnel monitoring systems. They will not take up too much time from the manager, dragging their heads into local scandals, intrigues and investigations. And they will quickly provide objective information that is not clouded by emotions and biased personal attitude.

The first stage of studying the situation in the team is the search for deviations and the analysis of behavior patterns. Sudden or gradual changes in the algorithms of personnel actions clearly indicate the presence of danger. It’s not necessarily about bullying. But if an employee suddenly starts to work worse, he is clearly affected by some external or internal factors. Don’t want to bring the situation to a crisis? Understand the root causes as soon as possible.

The second stage is a detailed study of possible risks. This will help the analysis of correspondence in mail and messengers. Hidden or pronounced hostility is a clear marker of the beginning of bullying. It is important not only to find the “leader-instigator”, but also his accomplices. To identify the bullying cell, “Connection Graph” will be suitable, which will quickly detect active communications between “aggressors” within the company.

The third stage is the study of the psychological state of the staff. Under pressure, any person falls into stress, which can be recorded by analyzing the keyboard handwriting. The threat is not only bullying: all reactive states are extremely dangerous, both for the health of employees and for the business as a whole. After all, they can lead to all sorts of emergencies.
A normal, healthy atmosphere is the key to effective work of the company. Unfortunately, the manager is not an all-seeing deity and cannot physically keep track of all the staff. The only way to avoid financial damage and a number of undesirable problems is to use modern tools for analyzing the actions of employees. Such digital systems, without significant material and time costs, will control all areas of employees ‘ life, identify a risk situation in a timely manner and nip it in the bud.

Bullying is a threat to business. Part 1

The basis of an effective business is people. Well-coordinated work of the staff, a healthy atmosphere in the team, and high motivation of employees affect the efficiency of work. The result of the discord of any working micro-community is always a drop in sales.

The reasons for deviations in behavior are usually found on the surface. Usually, HR managers see the “root of evil” in a decrease in motivation and burnout, and middle managers are looking for particularly lazy employees, whose dismissal will dramatically correct the situation. Unfortunately, things are not always so simple.

One of the factors that destroy the working atmosphere in the team is bullying. This is a kind of harassment that is organized by a member of the team – the so-called “leader”. The pressure can be both psychological and physical. As a result, the victim can say goodbye not only to career prospects but also to health.

For the company, bullying is a harbinger of big troubles: from financial losses to problems with the law.

Unfortunately it is not customary to “tell tales out of school”, so sociological research on bullying in the workplace is extremely rare. However, in Europe and the United States, after a number of scandals went public, they seriously approached the analysis of the problem.

Bullying in numbers

According to recent research, 96% of Western white-collar workers have experienced inappropriate relationships in the workplace. 89% of the victims were persecuted for more than 1 year, of which 54% – for more than 5 years!

,Naturally, no collective can exist without completely avoiding conflicts. High intensity of work, irregular working hours and permanent stress have a negative impact on the atmosphere in the office. However, the situation is slowly but surely getting out of control. Just imagine, in a company of 100 people, 96 suffer from violence at the hands of wider public.

And most importantly: once the bullying has started, colleagues will be happy to join in. In 80% of cases, bullying was supported by at least 5 team members.

Fortunately, physical violence is extremely rare — in 4% of situations. But this does not save the victim from severe psychological pressure, because there is no need to wait for help. Despite the fact that 51% of the companies that participated in the study provided for sanctions in case of incorrect behavior, only in 7% of cases the “leader” who organized the harassment was brought to light.

Such “mass blindness” is easily explained. Victims, because of their internal beliefs, rarely go to complain to higher management. Moreover, it can be extremely difficult to prove your case. And digital tools that can analyze the behavior of staff and record cases of violence are not used in all organizations. As a result, ordinary employees are defenseless from the malicious intent of their colleagues, and TOP management simply does not see what is happening in the office, assessing the situation not based on bare facts, but guided by the common “it seems so to me”.

The weaker sex is most often subject to persecution. Women are not always able to fight back against the enemy. However, among men, there are also quite a few victims – 47%.

The “leaders” of bullying in the vast majority of situations are middle-level managers: heads of departments, leading specialists, heads of departments. It is noteworthy that in 98% of cases, the aggressor does not even realize that his behavior provokes attacks on one of the team members.

The study states: in modern business, there are no organizations that are completely free from certain manifestations of bullying. The question is not whether there are such “non-statutory relationships” in your company, but what degree has already reached the intensity of passions. After all, without electronic means of monitoring and analyzing the behavior of personnel, it is almost impossible to detect the problem.

Financial losses from such situations are very significant. But we will talk about this in the next article.

Bullying – organized harassment of one or more employees, a distinctive feature of which is the presence of a pronounced leader. According to the latest Western research, there are no companies left in the modern world that are completely free from various forms of pressure.

In the previous article, we talked about the general statistics of “victims” of violence in the office. Today we will talk about the numbers: how much does bullying “cost” for the average organization?

Axiom: any harassment means a drop in productivity. For example, a victim who fights off attacks from colleagues spends at least 7 hours a week in vain. And this is without taking into account the general decrease in work efficiency, which leads to constant stay in a stressful situation. Over the course of a year, including sick days (the frequency of which is inevitably increasing), and going on vacation, without which an exhausted employee simply cannot do, the number of “underworked” hours can accumulate from 200 to 400.

It is extremely difficult to estimate how much time the “beaters” spend on merciless harassment, but it is obvious that part of the day paid for by the employer is also spent on such “entertainment”.

The damage in money amounts to about $ 8,800, per victim per year. This is the amount that the company simply spent on an employee who is unable to perform their duties due to bullying. Business owners should not forget about the collateral damage, such as: failed transactions, broken deadlines, endless reworking of the same tasks. Such problems can at one time lead to losses of tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Another problem is employee turnover. The victim, sooner or later, resign from the company. And the memories of the employer will not be the most rosy. For the business owner, this will result in two difficulties. Firstly, we will have to urgently plug the holes, search for and train a candidate for the vacant position. And, secondly, to correct the image in the information field. After all, the anger and resentment experienced during the period of humiliation will definitely spill out on the forums and in all sorts of “black lists”.

You can avoid losing valuable financial and human resources and avoid a number of problems by identifying “non-statutory” working relationships in a timely manner. Do not expect the employee to come and tell you everything. Walking around the office, confidentially looking into the eyes of the staff in the hope of hearing the truth about the team, is also not the best solution.
It is much more effective to use modern personnel monitoring systems. They will not take up too much time from the head, dragging their heads into local scandals, intrigues and investigations. And they will quickly provide objective information that is not clouded by emotions and biased personal attitude.

The first stage of studying the situation in the team is the search for deviations and the analysis of behavior patterns. Sudden or gradual changes in the algorithms of personnel actions clearly indicate the presence of danger. It’s not necessarily about bullying. But if an employee suddenly starts to work worse, he is clearly affected by some external or internal factors. Don’t want to bring the situation to a crisis? Understand the root causes as soon as possible.

The second stage is a detailed study of possible risks. This will help the analysis of correspondence in mail and messengers. Hidden or pronounced hostility is a clear marker of the beginning of bullying. It is important not only to find the “leader-instigator”, but also his accomplices. To identify the bullying cell, «Connection Graph” will be suitable, which will quickly detect active communications between “aggressors” within the company.

The third stage is the study of the psychological state of the staff. Under pressure, any person falls into stress, which can be recorded by analyzing the keyboard handwriting. The threat is not only bullying: all reactive states are extremely dangerous, both for the health of employees and for the business as a whole. After all, they can lead to all sorts of emergencies.
A normal, healthy atmosphere is the key to effective work of the company. Unfortunately, the manager is not an all-seeing deity and cannot physically keep track of all the staff. The only way to avoid financial damage and a number of undesirable problems is to use modern tools for analyzing the actions of employees. Such digital systems, without significant material and time costs, will control all areas of employees’ life, identify a risk situation in a timely manner and nip it in the bud.

Effective remote work: a myth or an optimal solution to the personnel issue?

Who works more efficiently: remote employees or office staff? This difficult question excites the minds of bosses around the world. The company “Mirobase” does not stay away from the hot-button issues related to working productivity. After all, our mission is to help the business develop and reach new heights.

And while the work on studying statistics and actual data are in full swing, we decided to raise one of the philosophical questions: why is remote work the thing of the future, and what are the basic benefits that businesses will get by implementing this form of work?

The company needs to expand its competencies

Probably, somewhere there is a region that is lucky to be “average” in the best sense of the term. The cost of living in such a location is not too high, the prices for services are available, and the choice of specialists in the labor market is for every taste.

Unfortunately, such a place is utopian in its nature. After all, the same universities – which produce future employees, are concentrated in large cities. And in a megalopolis, life can not be cheap. If you play out the chain further, it turns out that professionalism is not only a diploma but also experience. Which can be obtained only by working in specialized organizations, and they also tend to migrate to large regional centers.

For the province, this means the following: there are practically no narrow-profile specialists because no one trains them. And if a provincial university provides a good starting base, thanks to which a potential candidate becomes a trainee, there is no guarantee that he will not wave goodbye and go to conquer the capital. At least because there are much more career prospects there.
Those who decided to stay have long felt like kings of local importance: after all, regional companies are fighting for them, offering salaries that will make the native of the capital city salivate. Business needs a pro, the choice is limited, and there are no other options.

In the capital, the situation is different. Candidates with different skill levels are a dime a dozen. But everyone wants a high salary that allows them to experience all the delights of life in the megalopolis. Of course, this is not a bad thing and we are not talking about working for food and slaps on the head. But is such work profitable for the employer company if the costs per employee exceed the theoretically possible profit?

Remote work removes all restrictions, opening up local personnel markets for enterprises located in any geographical point. A provincial business needs a specialist who can’t be found in the home region? It doesn’t matter – you can “headhunt” the cadre personnel from the neighbors.

Remote work erases boundaries, allowing you to solve current business problems as profitably and efficiently as possible by hiring staff with the right competencies and realistic requests. At the same time, employees themselves respond with great enthusiasm to such offers, since they exceed their expectations formed by the labor market of their hometown or country.

Social responsibility of the brand

As soon as the business grows to medium or large, and turns into a brand, the question of social responsibility arises. After all, if certain actions help not only earn money, but also solve a number of social problems – the company will benefit and promote a positive image.

Today, issues of equality are more relevant than ever. With the development of high-speed Internet and technology, people with disabilities have a chance for a successful career and professional development. For business, this is an opportunity to get a highly motivated employee into the team with minimal risks.

Another category of potential candidates that should not be overlooked is women who have chosen motherhood. Let’s not be deceitful: at many interviews, representatives of the fair sex, who are not married or have children, are refused. Employers are afraid that such employees will quickly get married and run away to the decree, and these are the expenditures for training, plus a new search for a candidate for a temporarily vacant position. Or they are afraid of employee absenteeism, because small children are unpredictable and require attention. One research suggested that 56% of women in the high-tech industry were forced to quit in the middle of their career development. And 51% of working mothers claimed that it was difficult for them to move up the corporate ladder because of having a child.

An adequate solution to the problem is a flexible schedule and the ability to work remotely. By planning her day so that the children are happy and the work is done, the employee will be able to realize herself as a mother, develop professionally and career wise, as well as bring profit to the company, without the harm of the task performance quality.

How the bad apple doesn’t spoil the whole barrel

All of the above makes no sense if the remote staff “relaxes” in the atmosphere of home comfort and ceases to perform tasks in a timely and high-quality manner. And such employees are about 30%. In the office, even if the chief is absent, you will not spoil much: colleagues who diligently perform tasks and achieve high KPIs are not only a silent reproach, but also competitors to the lazy person. But at home, in the atmosphere of pillows, a blanket and a cup of tea, the stopcock does not work and the employee decides that everything is possible.
The only effective solution to the problem is monitoring and controlling remote personnel. At the same time, one of the main tools is time tracking, which allows you to estimate the amount of real time worked.

After overcoming endless breaks, and coping with the factors that distract the attention of the staff, it is worth paying attention to the issue of efficiency.
The analysis of the work models of the most productive “remote workers” will allow you to form job descriptions and recommendations that significantly increase labor productivity. This means that while reducing the cost of equipment and office space, the business will be able to significantly increase its profitability by forming a professional, highly motivated team.

Mythbusters in HR: how not to fire a “star”. Part 2

It is difficult to imagine a human resources management system without a human resources manager. Competent HR is not only a “nanny” for employees but also a loyal assistant to the head. The fate of personnel, line managers, and even entire departments often depends on his words and advice.

But what if the HR manager is wrong? What if HR went to the “dark side of the force” and turned into a gray cardinal: he began to lobby for the interests of some employees and “betray” others in favor of his personal desires?

In the previous article, we told which categories of employees HR managers want to get rid of and how to check the objectivity of such decisions. This material will complete the topic.

Liars and gossips

Liars and gossips are the quintessence of harm to the company. Firstly, distorting the facts and trying to avoid responsibility causes a significant blow to the efficiency of the business. And, secondly, the spread of false information destroys the normal working atmosphere in the team.

But, before you cut all the staff that fell into this category at one fell swoop, it is necessary to make sure that the unflattering characteristics are true.

The easiest way is to analyze employee communications. Distortion of information and distortion of facts is very easy to find by studying the correspondence of the staff.
Monitoring communication in popular messengers, such as Skype, will help to detect gossip. Usually, it is difficult for them to keep the “latest news” to themselves for a long time and they need to “share the secret” with the widest possible audience as soon as possible.

If the accusations are confirmed and the liar-gossip is found, it is worth going further and studying the circle of his contacts in the company. People who are prone to this behavior prefer to gather in small flocks, and the most effective solution for the head is to say goodbye to the entire group as a whole.

Bored loafers

Perhaps this is the simplest and, at the same time, the most complex group.

It is extremely easy to detect loafers. It is enough to monitor the activity of the staff and analyze how much of the time is spent on fulfilling work needs, and how much is spent on counterproductive activity.

But, if the company has not yet implemented a personnel control system and does not analyze the time management of employees, you should be ready for the fact that it is the accusations of laziness and inefficiency that will become an occasion that will help get rid of the unwanted.

Most often, such incidents occur during the “war for the chair”, of which HR also becomes a part due to a misunderstanding or as a result of collusion. There are two most common patterns of action.

The first is that an employee with higher motivation, professional knowledge and leadership qualities appears in the department. Naturally, sooner or later, he will become a threat to his immediate supervisor. To keep a warm chair, it is important for the head of the department to sabotage the work of a subordinate: to make him guilty of all failures and miscalculations. Such plan is very vulnerable, because the truth can come out. The support of the HR manager will strengthen the position: in addition to the reports of the conspiratorial head, the HR’s characteristics appear in the case. As a result, a TOP manager or business owner will receive a low assessment of the professional skills and personal qualities of the employee who is trying to survive. And this is at least two negative reviews against the words of one employee. The situation is likely to end with the dismissal of a promising specialist.

Mythbusters in HR: how not to fire a “star”. Part 1

The HR manager is a key link in the work organization system. It is foolish to underestimate the importance of HR, because business owners and department managers listen to the opinion of the “HR specialist” before making a final decision about hiring an employee or firing him.

But do not forget – HR managers are not robots, devoid of emotions and, therefore, any action will bear the imprint of a personal relationship with this or that person. This is a serious threat to business. If you make the wrong management decision, you can easily lose an employee who could bring significant benefits to the company.

The analysis of the most common misconceptions of HR specialists will help to reduce the risks.


Domestic research and foreign surveys clearly demonstrate that 70-80% of HR managers are afraid of “toxic” employees. They try not to hire such specialists, but if an employee manages to get on board a corporate ship, they are fired first.

HR category of “toxic” employees includes personnel who: do not believe in the success of projects; prevent colleagues from achieving results; avoid risk; avoid responsibility; pessimistically perceive a number of ideas; react too emotionally.

Any sane head is unlikely to want to hire an employee with such a dubious portrait. But, in the reasoning of HR managers, there is one key flaw: all of the above characteristics are not objective, they only express the personal attitude of one person to another. Even the opinion of a group of people does not always reflect the real situation: what if several employees try to “waste” a more successful colleague, and HR, for subjective reasons, went along with them?

To minimize the impact of the “human factor” while making important decisions, the study of reports and statistics of personnel action monitoring systems will help.

First of all, you need to break down the “signs of toxicity”, which are allocated by HR managers, into several groups.

Segment one – factors associated with excessive emotionality. They are usually expressed in incorrect communication with colleagues and partners. To find out exactly whether an employee regularly crosses the line, is outraged at the drop of a hat, and is also inclined to be rude, it is enough to analyze his correspondence in mail, messengers and check phone conversations. You can’t hide pig in a poke: if an employee is prone to outbursts of emotions, confirmation will be found very quickly. But, if there is no evidence of “toxicity” – it is worth taking a closer look at colleagues who are pumping up the atmosphere. There’s a chance they’re just getting rid of a competitor.

The second segment is pessimism, attempts to avoid risk and avoid responsibility. There are some employees who are very fond of scolding the company, and all innovations are perceived extremely negatively. Keeping such characters is stupid and counterproductive. On the other hand, sound criticism and the search for vulnerabilities in the plans help to avoid mistakes and provide for all possible scenarios. Such an employee is extremely valuable, because his analytical approach will help to avoid possible miscalculations and, accordingly, save time and money.
Most often, incompetent heads and colleagues who blindly believe in one way to solve problems, or who do not want to admit their mistakes, try to get rid of “critics”.

To distinguish a “positive” critic from a “destructive” one, a comparative analysis of staff work patterns will help. The KPI critic with a plus sign will be higher than that of his colleagues, because he can think several steps ahead. The time spent on non-working needs is lower than the average for the department, and the speed of task implementation is higher. Such an employee is inclined to make decisions quickly and is ready to take responsibility for them. However, if the algorithms for performing actions are imposed by less competent staff or a line head, the “positive critic” will definitely note the flawed plan in writing and refuse to be responsible for the consequences of ill-considered decisions.

The “negative” critic is always in the laggards, because the level of self-motivation of the “pessimist” is low.

If you look closely at the communications of such an employee, it turns out that in most cases they do not openly express their positions, agreeing with their heads in everything. At the same time, they are happy to discuss plans behind the back of colleagues and the head.

It is difficult to imagine a human resources management system without a human resources manager. Competent HR is not only a “nanny” for employees, but also a loyal assistant to the head. The fate of personnel, line heads and even entire departments often depends on his words and advice.

But what if the HR manager is wrong? What if HR went to the “dark side of the force” and turned into a gray cardinal: he began to lobby for the interests of some employees and “betray” others in favor of his personal desires?

In the last article, we told which categories of employees HR managers want to get rid of and how to check the objectivity of such decisions. This material will complete the topic.

Liars and gossips

Liars and gossips are the quintessence of harm to the company. Firstly, distorting the facts and trying to avoid responsibility causes a significant blow to the efficiency of the business. And, secondly, the spread of false information destroys the normal working atmosphere in the team.

But, before you cut all the staff that fell into this category at one fell swoop, it is necessary to make sure that the unflattering characteristics are true.

The easiest way is to analyze employee communications. Distortion of information and distortion of facts is very easy to find by studying the correspondence of the staff.

Monitoring communication in popular messengers, such as Skype, will help to detect gossips. Usually, it is difficult for them to keep the “latest news” in themselves for a long time and they need to “share the secret” with the widest possible audience as soon as possible.

If the accusations are confirmed and the liar-gossip is found, it is worth going further and studying the circle of his contacts in the company. People who are prone to this behavior prefer to gather in small flocks, and the most effective solution for the head is to say goodbye to the entire group as a whole.

Bored loafers

Perhaps this is the simplest and, at the same time, the most complex group.

It is extremely easy to detect loafers. It is enough to monitor the activity of the staff and analyze how much of the time is spent on fulfilling work needs, and how much is spent on counterproductive activity.

But, if the company has not yet implemented a personnel control system and does not analyze the time management of employees, you should be ready for the fact that it is the accusations of laziness and inefficiency that will become an occasion that will help get rid of the unwanted.

Most often, such incidents occur during the “war for the chair”, of which HR also becomes a part due to a misunderstanding or as a result of collusion. There are two most common patterns of action.
The first is that an employee with higher motivation, professional knowledge and leadership qualities appears in the department. Naturally, sooner or later, he will become a threat to his immediate head. To keep a warm chair, it is important for the head of the department to sabotage the work of a subordinate: to make him guilty of all failures and miscalculations. Such plan is very vulnerable because the truth can come out. The support of the HR manager will strengthen the position: in addition to the reports of the conspiratorial manager, the HR’s characteristics appear in the case. As a result, a TOP manager or business owner will receive a low assessment of the professional skills and personal qualities of the employee who is trying to survive. And this is at least two negative reviews against the words of one employee. The situation is likely to end with the dismissal of a promising specialist.

The second scheme is an attempt by the team to get rid of the head. This usually happens when a new head comes to a small firm or a close-knit department. The reorganization of work and the desire to improve efficiency destroy the cozy world of lazy people, and they unite in the face of a common enemy. In such situation, the owner or TOP will rather believe the friendly voice of the team that he has known for a long time, than a new person, a stranger to the company. The result is sad: the head of the department will be dismissed, and the team will continue to live the same life, not overshadowed by excessive work.

HR management is a delicate matter, and any wrong decision leads to serious losses. Attempts to optimize the structure of departments based on a personal attitude, without a solid background of analytical data, are in themselves a risky situation.

To protect the business and reduce the chance of negative consequences arising from reckless actions, it is necessary to build relationships with the collective on the basis of analytics, statistics and objective information. Various systems for monitoring staff activity help to collect such data.

Toxic employees are the threat for business

Business efficiency rests on the shoulders of employees. Especially their well-coordinated work determines the growth and development of the company. But there are two sides of the same coin: as soon a discord begins in the team, you have to forget about productivity. Even one disloyal employee with low motivation is capable to “wrap” brothers in trade and lead a department or a small company to plateauing and retrogression in a matter of weeks.

HR managers identified some of the most dangerous categories of office workers that an employer should beware of. The main of them is the toxic staff. The “Mirobase” software package will help you detect such employees in practice.

The term “toxicity” itself on the work place includes a whole layer of employees. The most dangerous are pessimists who have lost faith in success. And we aren’t talking about “critics” who must necessarily be present in any team. Their role is to conduct crash test of claims before the forces and resources will be thrown into the implementation of dubious measures. The main distinguishing feature of useful “oppositionists” is constructive criticism and no other way.

Unconstructive comments, lack of argumentation and pessimism about anything are the markers that distinguish toxic workers. After all, constant doubts are not just harmful, they are contagious and can demotivate any team. It is especially dangerous when “leaders” fall into this state, because their opinion is important for the team.

To find the “whiners” is possible by implementing the control of correspondence in the mail and messengers. Such “white-collars” regularly vent their emotions on the air, not particularly shy of either colleagues or chiefs. And they sincerely believe that there is nothing wrong with such behavior.

The “Categories/Deviations” report also helps identify emerging signs of depression. A sharp or gradual decline in work effectiveness clearly indicates an emerging problem.

Immediately dismiss such an employee is stupid. A heart-to-heart conversation will help you learn about the causes of changes in behavior and solve the problem. However, if pessimism is an immanent trait of a particular person, the employer should think about how to protect the team from a dangerous employee, or about dismissal.

In second place in terms of threat level are schemers who arrange spy games with an attempt to go over colleague’s head or frame colleagues on the scale of “Game of Thrones”. These individuals spend their energy not in a peaceful direction, moreover, they also involve their colleagues in questionable games. As a result, not only the efficiency of labor suffers, but there are innocent victims who give in to provocations.

Finding the “gray cardinal” is not easy, but it is doable. Intrigue implies active communication, which means that you need to carefully monitor the staff, with the widest range of contacts in the company. The “Communication Graph” report allows to do this. To determine whether the “communicator” is positive or negative, the analysis of labor efficiency will help. If communication encourages colleagues to feats and achievements – the chief was lucky, and he found a cementing element of the team. However, if endless conversations lead to a decrease in labor productivity – a ” communicator “with a” minus ” sign is found. After conducting additional research on the correspondence, the manager will find victims of lies, gossip and intrigue.

In third place — the average lazy people who prefer games, social networks, or conversations in the smoking room to the performance of official duties. If the negligent attitude is not stopped in any way, sooner or later, others begin to ask the question: “If John can play games all day or sit in the rest-room with a cup of coffee, why can’t I do this?»

And so, the department begins to turn from an able-bodied team into idle zombies, aimed not at the result, but at finding the next model of behavior “how to do nothing, but get paid”.
Time-use analytics will separate productive activity from idleness or malicious activity. And in combination with the study of surfing the Internet, the chief is always able to determine with pinpoint accuracy what the employee was doing.

Save time on the analysis will help the “Activity Feed” report, which clearly illustrates all the actions of the staff during the day.

Unfortunately, the confrontation between the “employer-employee” will always be maintained. And it depends only on the actions of the chief whether the business will gain momentum and rush forward like a locomotive, or, like the Titanic, swim to the bottom. The cornerstone in this process is the optimization of personnel work, which is impossible to carry out without hard-boiled analytics systems. After all, any conclusions that are not supported by objective data are subjective, and are more likely can cause harm than benefit.